Bernhard and I have just had the privilege of ministering in Manado Indonesia . We love the EN family and we’re so blessed to have been there for the third time. We love different cultures and the diversity of the spiritual family around the world. We love experiencing different food, different architecture, different ways of doing life etc .I’m always intrigued at the fact that what is acceptable behavior in one country is not in another. 

We had one of these experiences as we tried for ten minutes to cross a three lane road from the hotel we were staying in, to the shopping mall which was across the road! As hard as we tried, we could not find a gap between the constant flow of motor bikes, cars, trucks etc  We looked for some traffic lights or walkways but as we were about to give up, a local walked towards us and took Bernhard’s hand and as I hung on to Bernhard the three of us just stepped into the oncoming traffic ! Yes! It was that simple! 

I’v realized that when you know the cultural ways it can be so simple.Our new ‘friend’ simply stepped into the traffic, lane by lane, put up his hand, and the traffic stopped just for a brief second and we were able to walk forward, even while motorbikes and cars were racing just behind and in front of us . As I held on, I had to make an intentional decision to trust, even though my cultural mindset was screaming that what I was doing was illegal and I could get fined for doing it .As we got to the other side, a small group of onlookers clapped and cheered and ‘celebrated our victory’.

What a picture of God giving us cultural keys to understand and unlock understanding and revelation in each nation so that we can walk in victory . 

‘ I have given you authority to walk on scorpions and snakes and nothing by any means will harm you ‘  Luke 10:19 

God wants to give us strategy and context for the sake of purpose . 

As our ‘friend’ stepped into traffic, he only had to put up his hand and he had the authority over the traffic. We had tried in our own strength for sometime and we were getting hot 

(the temperature was over 40!) and tired and we were about to give up and go back to the hotel.

I am reminded that as God has called us to reach ‘every tribe, every tongue and every nation’,we cannot do it in our own strength or our own understanding.

it’s not by might or by power ... but by my spirit says the Lord ‘ Zachariah 4:6

‘But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,considerate,submissive,full of mercy and good fruit ,impartial and sincere James 3:17

We need to ask Him for His help and then trust Him and step forward even if it doesn’t make natural sense. God wants to give us cross cultural keys so that we can walk through danger and experience victory. I believe we should have fun doing it as well . 

A few hours later we needed to cross back again, from the mall to the hotel. Immediately the same ‘friend’ came running to our aid. He ran through the traffic, grabbed our hands and this time we ran without any hesitation, laughing and enjoying the experience .We clapped along with the onlookers who were celebrating .

We used to sing a song ‘ trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus ...’ I now think of this Manado incident, not with fear, but with a smile on my face. I know that my Heavenly Father celebrates life’s victories with me , especially when I trust and obey quickly and lean into His ways 
